After "Amulet"

After "Amulet"

A list byKate,Managing Librarian
年代eptember 7th, 2021

"My kids love the 'Amulet' and 'Wings of Fire' series. Do you have anything else like that?" Do we ever! Since we get this question so often I thought I would share my favorite followups.


One of my absolute favorites for slightly older elementary and middle school. A fun read for parents as well as kids, and the art is both adorable and just spooky enough.

A little more SF than fantasy, but still a wonderful read. Thought-provoking post-apocalypse world-building (but not too grim!).

This is also a charming TV series, and the books, as usual, are able to delve deeper into the world. Hilda is a kind and thoughtful problem-solver.

Wonderfully detailed art and a thrilling storyline about identity and belonging.

Cuteness alert!

For kids who are reading up a bit, these have more complex relationship storylines and mythology, but are still very engaging.

Also a popular series, "Adventure Time" is both fun and has solid messages for kids about friendship.

Adventure, mystery, saving the world. What's not to love?

A fun one that deals with tough issues in clever way.

I love how cute this is.

A mystery and fun characters make this one a fast read, even though it's a little higher level.