To Boldly Go...

To Boldly Go...

A list byKate,Managing Librarian
June 15th, 2021

快乐的骄傲!科幻小说的一个nd fantasy have always been the perfect genres for writers to explore new frames of thought and create a vision for what could be. We've seen some great titles with LGBTQIA+ protagonists come through the library in recent years, and I wanted to share my favorites.


Really amazing worldbuilding! An alternate magical/steampunk Cairo with a suit-wearing sleuth who takes no flack about her career or presentation.

One of those read-in-one-sitting adventures with a unique "what-if" premise.

Johnson's exploration of class, identity, and exploitation is set in a fascinating multiverse that pulls you along. An excellent audiobook.

Coming soon! A ghost who refuses to cross over and the ferryman he falls in love with. I'm looking forward to this one, by the author of "The House in The Cerulean Sea."

This reads a lot like a fantasy RPG session brought to the page: great characters, fluffy romance, betrayal, and old gods.

This was recommended for fans of Martha Wells' "Murderbot," and it did not disappoint!

Amazing political space opera based on Byzantine culture, but this is no plodding tome; it's action-packed, with realistic characters and delightful clash-of-cultures fun.

With a protagonist put in a situation with no good choices, Ngan leads you through to a conclusion that's both dark and fitting.

This alt-history reminds me of Mary Robinette Kowal and Patricia C Wrede. Great characters and fascinating world-building.

Mystery and magic told with a compelling voice and a story like nothing you expect!

This book is such a journey. I always love books that flay open superhero tropes for a thorough examination.