Alejandra- Customer Service Specialist

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” - Jhumpa Lahiri

My name is Alejandra and when I am at work I get to read to kids, make crafts, and plan parties! I enjoy taco dates with my husband and I have a cat named Tux. I didn’t grow up having books at home aside from the books required to have for school. I do enjoy reading and learning but it was hard for me to focus. I almost gave up on reading until my husband suggested I give audiobooks a try. I can say audiobooks saved reading for me. I now enjoy audiobooks and love the fact that I can read anytime, anywhere.

February Spanish Picture Books

6 months ago

These are some of the Spanish books I have been enjoying. From Valentine's Day to Black History Month, as well as National Children's Dental Health Month, there is a lot to celebrate in February!

February Picture Books

7 months ago

These are some of the books I have been enjoying. From Valentine's Day to Black History Month, as well as National Children's Dental Health Month, there is a lot to celebrate in February!

Libros & Picture Books I'm Really Loving

1 year ago

Estos son algunos de los libros ilustrados que he estado disfrutando mucho. Estos libros son fáciles de leer con los pequeños y proveen una oportunidad para el dialogo sobre algunos temas que para mí son muy importantes por ejemplo las emociones y la separación familiar. Son temas muy complejos pero estos libros proveen un lenguaje adecuado para que los pequeños puedan comprender.

Read Anytime, Anywhere!

6 months ago

I can read while I'm getting ready, while I'm cooking, while I'm driving somewhere. I can even read while I've got a horrible headache and I must lay low in the dark with my eyes closed. I was never an avid reader. It was very hard for me to focus, but all that changed when I discovered audiobooks. I have followed a few series and I am currently exploring different genres; therefore, my…